We made it! An additional Bosom Tumor Cognizance Month behind us. I'm presently anticipating following year.

On account of most folks consider Halloween, not tumor, when its October, I thought we may join together the a few occasions into a tremendous Trick or Treat for Bosom Malignancy event. As befits my rationality, there'll be nothing pink about it. We'll send bunches of ladies to trick or treat at their state legislative hall edifices in fitting bosom tumor clothing. What about wearing a clinic outfit, dragging in an IV post, brandishing empties filled with fake blood? Possibly a few topless ladies who've had mastectomies? What about somebody in a skull top, moving a nausea pack? I'm recognizing wrapping myself in thick pink glossy silk strip and conveying a trick-or-treat pack with a pharmaceutical group logo print which is flooding with money.

We could probably hall for proper enactment. It may be an exceptional chance to raise cognizance about malignancy-creating chemicals in makeup.

So go ahead! Who's with me?!

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